Exciting times at RoboHouse's Robots in Business event!
We at Perciv AI were thrilled to connect with industry giants like ✈️ KLM Royal Dutch Airlines and 🍺 The HEINEKEN Company, alongside inspiring robotics startups.
We didn't go empty handed: we brought a spectacular live demo of our latest innovation: an automatic, live auto-labeling software. 🏷️
This tool, developed by our talented intern David Ninfa 🌟, uses LiDAR and camera technology to detect and mark objects like pedestrians – all without manual labor!
With such technology, we can train and adapt our radar-focused networks much faster and in a more cost-efficient way. Have a peak at the pictures to see how it detected all pedestrians in the room!
Thanks for RoboHouse, especially Roksolana Hoogstede-Malhanova for organizations, and congratulations to David Ninfa for the spectacular and successful demo!