RadarXense and Perciv wins the MIT AI grant!

We are thrilled to share that Radarxense BV and Perciv AI have received the MIT AI grant by AiNed and Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) | Partner in Sustainable Development, ranking 2nd πŸ₯ˆ out of more than 50 applications! πŸ†

Perception that is weather robust, scalable, and privacy safe is not just needed in automotive and moving robots, but also in smart city applications. πŸŒ†

A great example is Radarxense's hardware, which is the world’s first stand-alone, solar-powered traffic monitoring radar that you can mount with a screwdriver. πŸͺ›

Currently, Radarxense’s traffic monitoring radars stream data to the cloud ☁ for processing, consuming significant bandwidth. Luckily, Perciv AI’s foundational radar AI approach is not just for mobile robotsβ€”it is easy to generalize and applicable for smart cities too! 🚦

In this project, we will adapt our pipeline for Radarxense BV’s low-power radars, making them able to detect objects on their own, collaborate when needed, and only use cloud compute when necessary. This saves even more power πŸ”‹, reduces data bandwidth πŸ’» usage and will decrease the detection time βŒ›.

The result will be a traffic monitoring system that is hashtag#weather_robust, hashtag#affordable, hashtag#sustainable, and makes our daily commute safer and more comfortable without compromising our hashtag#privacy. πŸš¦πŸšΆβ€β™‚οΈπŸš΄β€β™€οΈ


Perciv AI selected by the Dutch Road Authority to map tunnels for safety


Interview with Perciv AI about the EVENTs Project!